
Can a Concierge Doctor Offer STD Testing at Your Home in San Diego? 

Getting an STD is never fun, and even though we take precautions, it is still a possibility because measures can fail, and many diseases are highly transmissible. This means that getting tested regularly is a great way to keep yourself safe and to make sure you know the status of your sexual health. Concierge MD is a medical service that offers home testing for STDs as well as other medical treatment options.

What is at-home STD testing?

Most of the time, when we think about getting tested for STDs, we think about having to go to an STD clinic and sitting in a waiting room full of other people until we’re able to be seen. This can be expensive, and it can take forever to get your results, not to mention the time is taken out of your day and having to be exposed to other people.

At-home testing lets you schedule the appointment around you and let the medical experts come to you in your home, office, or even hotel room. It’s great for those with a busy schedule who want discreet testing.

Is an at-home test the best choice?

The at-home STD test is very easy. Simply make the appointment when you’re ready; our staff comes to you and administers a blood draw that is then sent off to the lab. We review the results and consult with you about the next steps when the results are in. The entire process is quick and easy.

Get your at Home STD Test in San Diego with Concierge MD

If you want to get a private and discreet STD test at home, Concierge MD can help you get the answers you need. One of our medical professionals comes to your home to collect samples for lab testing and will help you understand your test results.

Click the button below to schedule an appointment!

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