29 May Can a Concierge Doctor Offer an Exercise Consultation at Your Home?
There are many factors to consider when it comes to your health and wellness. It is important to eat healthily, receive regular physicals, and exercise, but it’s also important to know that you’re doing the right exercises. The only way to know that you’re doing all you can to take care of yourself physically is to receive an exercise consultation.
The only thing better than getting a comprehensive consultation is using a concierge doctor for exercise consultation. A concierge doctor will come to your home and provide professional consultation in the safest and most convenient manner possible.
What is an exercise consultation, and what are the benefits?
An exercise consultation is a one-on-one appointment with an exercise physiologist, personal trainer, or medical professional, providing you with a personalized exercise plan. Exercise consultations are a way for us to get to know you so that we can figure out the kind of person you are, the exercises you enjoy, and the best way to get you where you want to be. Here are some of the benefits of receiving an exercise consultation.
- Proper exercise can help you overcome chronic pain
- Exercise can help you overcome a painful injury
- Doing the right exercises will improve your strength, stamina, sleep habits, and energy levels.
- It will also increase your endurance and lower your blood pressure.
- Exercise consultations are the best way to determine which exercises you should be doing, how often you should do them, and how to do them.
What should I expect at my first exercise consultation?
During your first exercise consultation with Concierge MD, here’s what you should expect.
- We will take a brief medical history to determine if you have any conditions, illnesses, or physical problems we should know about.
- We’llWe’ll also take an exercise history to determine if you exercise, how much you exercise, and your exercise preferences.
- Next, we’ll help establish short-term and long-term goals for you to work towards.
- Finally, we’ll devise a comprehensive exercise plan to help you reach your goals.
Should I choose a concierge doctor for exercise consultation?
By no means are you required to use a concierge doctor for exercise consultation, but why wouldn’t you? We come to your home or place of business and work around your busy schedule to offer you the best exercise consultation possible. It’sIt’s hard to beat the convenience safety, and privacy of in-home care.
Telemedicine and its benefits
Even better than an in-home visit, it might also be possible to perform your exercise consultation via telemedicine. Telemedicine is when healthcare or advice is administered via a video or phone call. It’sIt’s the safest and most convenient way to receive an exercise consultation and it’s ideal for the elderly, those with busy schedules, or people without easy access to a doctor.
If you want to take the next step in health and wellness, schedule an exercise consultation with us. We offer personalized, one-on-one consultations to anyone who needs or wants them, all in the comfort of your home.
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Personalized Healthcare For A Longer, Healthier Life
Our longevity program promotes a long lifespan and healthy aging with care plans designed around your unique needs.
Membership with ConciergeMD provides access to lab panels, personalized longevity and health plans, regular consultations, discounts on wellness services, and more to ensure you get comprehensive care that helps you live a long and fulfilling life.
With personalized insights and early issue detection, our Health Assessment helps you not only understand your health, but make well-informed decisions that support your long-term health goals.
Whether you have questions or want to learn more about how our personalized programs can help you, we offer a free health optimization consultation. During our Discovery Call, one of our healthcare experts will discuss your health goals and challenges, areas for improvement, and kick-start your wellness and longevity journey.