21 May Iron IV: What It Is and What Should You Expect From Your First Treatment?
Why choose iron IV? Iron IV is one of the most effective, fast-acting treatments available to replenish iron levels in the body; this makes it the go-to therapy for iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia. This article will take you through everything you need to know about iron IV infusions, from how they work to how long they last to what you should expect during your first treatment.
What is Iron IV?
Iron is a micronutrient that helps our bodies produce hemoglobin, an essential component of red blood cells. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to all parts of our body—and without oxygen, we begin to suffer severe consequences in terms of both health and mental performance. So how does Iron IV factor into all of this?
So, while it’s important to eat a diet rich in iron-rich foods—such as eggs, lentils, and spinach—it’s also possible to experience an iron deficiency. If you suspect that you have an iron deficiency, talk to your doctor about receiving an Iron IV injection. This form of treatment provides more concentrated amounts of therapeutic grade pure elemental iron than what most people can get from their food intake alone.
Who needs to use Iron IV?
Hemoglobin levels being low may indicate a need for iron infusions. Symptoms such as fatigue or rapid heart rate may also signal an iron deficiency. Iron IV therapy should be considered for individuals who have not responded to oral supplements and those with a history of blood loss or heavy menstrual periods.
What illnesses does iron IV treat?
Iron IV therapy isn’t meant to be a cure for anyone’s illness. It’s used as a remedy for various conditions that may present with some of these symptoms. For example, if you have unexplained fatigue or weakness, possible causes could be iron deficiency, anemia, or depression. If you suspect iron deficiency, ask about getting tested for it. If it turns out that you are indeed low in iron, you might want to be starting IV infusions right away. After all, there’s no point in waiting around when something can make you feel better right away!
How do I prepare for an iron infusion?
Before getting started with an infusion, there are some preparations that need to be made. First of all, it’s a good idea to eat a meal before receiving treatment. That’s because blood levels of iron can increase during infusions—so if you’re hungry when they start, it can cause uncomfortable side effects like nausea and vomiting. After an infusion, there may also be a slight metallic taste in your mouth.
Iron Infusion Side Effects
The side effects of a standard IV infusion are generally nothing serious. The most common side effect of an iron infusion is that it can make patients feel queasy. Some patients also experience chills or muscle pain during treatment. Of course, reactions can differ from person to person; one patient may have no reaction at all, while another might experience some uncomfortable side effects.
The unpleasant side effects can be controlled by taking an antiemetic pill before infusion. This will make it less likely that a patient feels nauseous. Patients may also want to try taking some Advil or Tylenol beforehand to reduce muscle pain or chills. Wear loose-fitting clothing: It’s always good to wear clothes that won’t restrict circulation to avoid uncomfortable chills while receiving your IV.
Do iron infusions make you gain weight?
Some people have thought that people who receive blood transfusions gain weight. There may be a scientific reason for it, though: during pregnancy, it’s common to develop anemia. This causes fat storage (lipids) to increase since there are fewer red blood cells that take up lipids. After pregnancy, many women have more fat than they did before their pregnancies because of their decreased ability to utilize fats as fuel and excrete excess lipid stores in breast milk.
How painful is an iron infusion?
While an iron infusion can be mildly uncomfortable, most patients say it’s not very painful. You may feel a slight pinch when your medical team inserts a needle into a vein in your arm to infuse iron, but some people barely notice it at all. You might experience mild tingling or throbbing after getting an infusion; many people describe these sensations as similar to having their blood drawn.
An iron infusion can lead to some mild side effects, such as bruising around where the needle was inserted. Taking acetaminophen before getting an infusion reduces pain or soreness for some people. If you’re concerned about experiencing discomfort during your appointment or have questions about what to expect, don’t hesitate to speak up. Your medical professionals can help make sure that getting a shot of iron will be as comfortable as possible for you.
Can you feel more tired after an iron infusion?
Iron infusions have been known to make people feel more tired when they’re done with their session. Be sure to drink plenty of water, rest up in bed for a couple of hours, or take an extra day off if you feel extreme fatigue after an infusion. These side effects will usually go away quickly. It’s also worth noting that it’s common to feel fatigued during times of low blood cell counts—so it may be nothing more than normal!
What if it doesn’t go away? While these side effects are common, if they persist after a few hours or keep happening during subsequent infusions—and especially if you feel extreme weakness or fatigue—make sure to tell your medical team.
Does iron infusion cause black stool?
Iron infusion causes black stool in only a small number of cases. You may use anti-diarrhea medication to stop any unintended effects on your digestive system. Because iron can cause some unwanted side effects, it’s important to find out everything you need to know before going through with an infusion. Black stools don’t mean there is anything wrong following an iron infusion. It can be a common side effect, especially for those with medical conditions like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
How long after IV iron infusion will I feel better?
A few days. Most people experience increased energy levels within days to weeks of their infusion, but it’s important to be aware that these treatments won’t immediately cure anemia symptoms—they’re designed to treat anemia over time. You may need regular infusions before reevaluating whether additional treatments are necessary. And although some patients report nausea or lightheadedness as side effects during or after treatment, most do not feel anything beyond slight warmth at their site during injection.
How many IV iron infusions do you need?
The number of infusions necessary for iron deficiency anemia will vary by patient. If it takes just one infusion to restore iron levels and resolve symptoms, that’s great news. But some people need two or more treatments before they experience relief. For those patients with severe anemia, who feel tired all day long or are completely exhausted after light physical activity like climbing a flight of stairs, multiple infusions may be needed to get their blood count back up to normal levels.
How long does an iron infusion take?
The length of time it takes to receive an infusion depends on a few different factors. First off, there’s how long it takes for our bodies to absorb a solution, which takes about 15 minutes for IV fluids. The actual infusion process also depends on several factors, such as your health status and how much fluid you’re receiving. On average, an infusion will take 1-3 hours.
Some patients may also receive additional therapies during their infusion. These may prolong the time in an infusion chair, but more time isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it comes to receiving intravenous therapy. It’s important to remember that each person’s needs are different, so we always consider our patient’s unique circumstances before recommending treatments. In order for any of these medications or treatments to be effective, they must reach your bloodstream quickly and efficiently. This means that being hydrated before your appointment can help make sure everything goes smoothly.
Can you eat during the iron infusion?
Most people think that because of their body’s need for iron, they shouldn’t eat anything while receiving an infusion. This is not true! If you are hungry, it’s okay to have a snack during your session. Try drinking a sports drink or water instead of juice or soda if you feel like having something sweet!
Getting Started
When you’re ready to begin receiving Iron infusions, give Concierge MD a call today. Our at-home infusions allow you to receive the necessary treatments in a comfortable setting in your own home or office. You’ll be able to get all of your questions answered by our medical staff. At home, treatments give you the comfort and privacy to feel better while maintaining your busy schedule. Your precious time won’t be wasted driving to clinics or waiting in crowded waiting rooms. Give Concierge MD a call today! If you are looking for an easy way to get your treatment done, we can help!
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Get Iron IV Therapy in the comfort of your own Home
Intravenous iron therapy is a convenient and effective method to restore normal iron levels in your body. Our medical care professionals come to your location to administer treatment.
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