
Is It Safe To Get A Flu Shot During The Covid-19 Pandemic?

Flu season is just about here. Given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, you may have a lot of questions about whether or not it’s safe to get a flu shot this year. Here, we talk about the safety of getting vaccinated and some common misconceptions about Covid-19 and the flu shot.

Read Next: Flu Vs Covid-19, And How To Know The Difference

Is it safe to get a flu shot during the Covid-19 pandemic?

There is always some risk of contracting Covid-19 when you’re in a public space. Overall, though, it’s safe to get a flu shot during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In fact, it’s highly recommended that you get your flu vaccine this year.

The flu can be serious and require hospitalization. Getting your flu shot can help ensure that there’s a hospital bed open for someone with Covid-19 if needed.

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Getting your flu vaccine can also help prevent dual infections: in other words, getting sick with both Covid-19 and the flu at the same time. Likewise, the flu shot can help prevent subsequent infections – one illness followed by the other.

If you plan to get your flu shot at a clinic or pharmacy, the best way to stay safe is to take some precautions before you leave home. Wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands (or using hand sanitizer if water isn’t available) can help reduce the chance of you catching Covid-19.

An at-home flu shot with Concierge MD is the safest way to get your annual vaccine without unnecessarily exposing yourself to Covid-19.

Can you get a flu shot while infected with coronavirus?

There is a lot that scientists don’t yet know about how Covid-19 interacts with other types of viruses. Talk to your doctor about whether or not to get a flu shot if you are currently sick with Covid-19. They will be able to provide the best recommendation for your situation.

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Do you need a negative Covid-19 test to get a flu shot?

There are no requirements that you need to test negative for Covid-19 prior to getting a flu shot. However, if you know you have an active infection of Covid-19, inform your clinic or pharmacy prior to getting your flu shot. They may have additional recommendations and/or requirements to help keep both you and those around you safe.

Does a flu shot protect you from a Covid-19 infection?

No, a flu shot does not protect from a Covid-19 infection. The flu vaccine is designed to protect you from certain influenza strains. Covid-19 belongs to the family of coronaviruses, which include the common cold.

What’s the best time to get a flu shot?

It’s recommended that you get your annual flu shot in September or October, prior to the start of flu season, as it takes a couple weeks for your body to develop antibodies against the virus. You will then have protection for 4 – 6 months.

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Does getting a flu shot increase your chances of catching Covid-19?

No, getting a flu shot does not increase your chances of getting Covid-19.

Will you test positive for Covid-19 if you had a flu shot?

No, you will not test positive for Covid-19 if you had a flu shot.

Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) are two different viruses from two different families.

That said, it is sometimes possible to test positive for Covid-19 if you have another type of coronavirus, such as the common cold.

Safe, At-Home Flu Shots And Covid-19 Tests

Getting a flu shot is a fast and easy way to protect yourself and those around you from getting sick. Concierge MD makes getting your annual shot effortless with in-home flu shots. One of our registered nurses comes to your home to administer the vaccine. Our nurses wear medical-grade personal protective equipment and adhere to social distancing as much as possible during your appointment for your safety.

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