
Is It Safe For Seniors To Get The Flu Shot?

Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by a variety of genetically similar viruses. Unfortunately, its rates of infection spike around the fall and winter months. Its symptoms are marked by debilitating fever and a variety of repository ailments. Luckily, we have access to the vaccine, an effective tool in the fight against flu. But is it safe for seniors to get the flu shot?

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Are flu shots safe for seniors?

The seasonal flu shot is the most effective way to prevent an influenza infection. Every year, seasonal flu hospitalizes millions and kills thousands. An estimated 38 million contracted influenza during the 2019-2020 season.

The flu shot is particularly important for seniors, who statistically have a higher chance at contracting influenza. A flu infection is very serious, and can result in inflammation of the brain and heart, organ failure, sepsis, pneumonia and other serious health related issues.

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Are there any side effects?

There are some minor side effects associated with the flu shot. Generally, these are limited to some swelling and redness at the injection site. Some might also experience low grade fever, fatigue, or body aches. This is a normal response to a flu shot.

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How long does a flu shot last?

Flu shots are recommended on an annual basis, typically between September and October. Vaccinations work by exposing the body’s immune system to a dead or weakened form of the virus. This allows for the manufacturing of antibodies against the virus to prevent infection. It generally takes up to two weeks for the body to manufacture these antibodies.

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Due to its unique genetic makeup, influenza is subject to something called antigenic drift: the virus can mutate in such a way that it is rendered unrecognizable by the body’s immune system. Therefore, an annual update on your flu vaccination is a good idea to ensure optimal immunity against flu. Once you’ve been vaccinated, your flu shot will reduce your risk of catching the current season’s flu for approximately 4 – 6 months.

Safe, In-Home Flu Shots With Concierge MD

Concierge MD will bring your flu shot right to your door. Our team of medical professionals will ensure that you have the optimal coverage for flu season, and that all your vaccination needs are taken care of.

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