
Can You Get A Flu Shot While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?

Vaccination against influenza can be life saving, especially for those who are at higher risk of contracting flu such as mothers. Pregnant women are also more likely to have more severe symptoms if they contract flu: changes to their immune system during pregnancy result in higher susceptibility to and complications from flu.

With that in mind, can you get a flu shot while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Is it safe to get a flu shot while pregnant?

Yes, it is safe to get a flu shot while pregnant. Flu shots are recommended for all persons over the age of 6 months, including women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

There are several different forms of the flu vaccine. The CDC recommends the flu shot for pregnant women as opposed to the nasal spray vaccine, which is fabricated from a live flu virus. The traditional flu shot is comprised of dead, inactive genetic material from the virus.

It is especially important to get vaccinated while pregnant as children under the age of 6 months cannot receive a flu vaccine, and mothers transfer immunity through antibodies to their unborn children.

Read NextWhen Should Children Start Getting Flu Shots?

Why get vaccinated while pregnant?

Influenza is harmful to a developing baby. An infection of flu is likely to cause fever, a symptom associated with birth defects and poor health of a developing baby. Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent a flu infection which could possibly incur these adverse side effects.

Furthermore, vaccination of mothers is associated with transference of immunity to the baby. Young children have weak immune systems, and are more susceptible to infection than adults. Millions of flu vaccinations have been administered to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

What are the side effects of the flu shot?

There are some minor, possible side effects from the flu shot, such as:

  • Redness at the injection side
  • Swelling
  • Body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Low grade fever

These are normal side effects of the body’s immune response to the vaccine and are not indicative of an active infection.

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The Safest Way To Get A Flu Shot During Pregnancy Is At Home

Concierge MD offers seasonal flu shots, and our services ensure that you do not have to leave your home and risk needless exposure to the flu and to Covid-19. We will bring medical professionals right to your door to ensure that you can protect yourself against influenza safely during this exciting time in your life.

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