
Can a Concierge Doctor Offer Nutrition Consultation at Your Home?

Not only are concierge doctors allowed to offer in-home nutrition consultations, but choosing a concierge doctor for a nutrition consultation is a great idea! Nutrition consultation is a great step towards getting your health back on track, and what better place to start your journey than in the comfort of your home. In this article, we’ll look at what a nutrition consultation is, why you need one, and the best way to get one. 

What is a nutrition consultation, and what are its benefits? 

Nutrition consultation is exactly what it sounds like – a consultation about your diet with a nutrition expert, dietician, or medical doctor. Nutrition consultations are a great first step towards getting serious about your diet, which is crucial for weight loss, bulking up, or helping with pre-existing health conditions. 

Rather than being a stringent diet, nutrition counseling is more of a therapeutic approach to your dietary habits. Yes, there may be new dietary restrictions, but the idea of a nutrition consultation is to find out how to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the main benefits of getting a nutrition consultation. 

  • It will help you learn how to manage chronic conditions with your diet 
  • Improving your diet is a great way to lose weight 
  • Eating and drinking healthier leads to better overall health 
  • It also includes an exercise regime that will further improve your health and wellness 

What to expect during a nutrition consultation 

Here’s an idea of what to expect during a nutrition consultation with Concierge MD. 

  • We come to your home or schedule a visit via telemedicine. 
  • We ask a series of questions and take account of your medical history, food allergies, or dietary restrictions. 
  • We also inquire about any food preferences, cravings, and what you eat on an average day. 
  • Based on your answers, we’ll work together to create a nutrition plan. Our goal is for you to build a healthy and lasting relationship with food and not allow it to control you. 

House call concierge doctor for a nutrition consultation 

If you’re serious about getting a nutrition consultation, there are few better ways to do this than with a concierge doctor. Choosing a concierge doctor for nutrition consultation is safe, effective, and convenient. Our medical professionals are also qualified to perform blood tests and diagnostics to check for unknown allergies and conditions. 

What is telemedicine, and what are its benefits 

Telemedicine is changing the world of healthcare by providing medical care via video calls or phone calls. Of course, not all medical care can be provided with telemedicine. However, whenever it’s a viable option, telemedicine is extremely beneficial. 

  • It’s ideal for the elderly or those who are unable to get to a doctor’s office 
  • Great for people with busy work schedules 
  • Safe and convenient 
  • Provides excellent nutritional advice in the comfort of your home 


Schedule a nutrition consultation with Concierge MD today if you’re serious about taking the next step in your health and wellness! 

Choose Concierge MD As Your House Call Doctor

If you need a house call doctor, reach out to Concierge MD. We are a licensed, mobile healthcare practice of a wide range of services, including:

  • Direct Primary Care: Get annual physicals, preventative screenings, blood tests, and more.
  • Covid-19: We offer testing, monoclonal antibody treatment, and can prescribe Remdesivir to those who test positive for Covid-19.
  • IV Therapy: Our 12 formulas fuel your body with fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants to help you feel your best.

Concierge MD administers all services in the comfort and privacy of your home, with telehealth support between appointments. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Experience Care with ConciergeMD

ConciergeMD offers coverage throughout the United States.