primary care house call doctor

What type of medicine can a concierge doctor prescribe in Seattle?

You’ll feel apprehensive as soon as you consider going to the doctor for whatever reason. No matter how nice or horrible the weather or traffic is, getting to the doctor’s office takes a long time and on top of that you have  to be concerned about germs in the waiting area.

A service like a house call doctor in Seattle may be able to provide excellent health care and prescriptions for different types of medicine while you are sitting comfortably at home.

What Type Of Medicine Can a Concierge Doctor Prescribe in Seattle?

A concierge doctor has the same ability to prescribe medicine as a clinic doctor. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and other medications are all available, just as they are for clinic doctors. An “at-home doctor” is a fully licensed doctor who, like those who work in clinics, may come to your home to provide medical care. They all operate in the same manner because they are all constrained by the same set of laws and regulations that address issues such as patient privacy and infection control, among other things. You don’t have to leave your house to go to an appointment when it’s at home.

How Does Prescribing Medicine Work?

Concierge doctors devote extra time to analyzing prescriptions for their patients, resulting in a more detailed discussion of the drug’s history, usage, advantages, and downsides for each individual.

We electronically deliver your medications to your pharmacy, ensuring that they arrive on schedule. All you need to do is go to the pharmacy and receive the medication. We may be able to arrange new refills for you via telehealth if you run out of medications or prescriptions. You are not required to return to the doctor for another appointment.


Experience Care with ConciergeMD

ConciergeMD offers coverage throughout the United States.