13 May How to Treat Severe Gastritis

Gastritis is a collective term for a group of conditions that cause inflammation of the stomach lining. This inflammation often results from being infected with the bacterium that causes most stomach ulcers, regularly taking certain pain relievers, or drinking too much alcohol.
Acute gastritis occurs suddenly, while chronic gastritis develops over time. Because severe gastritis can cause stomach ulcers and an increased risk of developing stomach cancer, it is important to properly treat gastritis.
This article will discuss what severe gastritis is, its primary causes, and how it can be treated. We will also discuss how a person with existing gastritis can help prevent their condition from becoming severe with practical tips.
Let’s take a closer look at understanding gastritis and the treatment options available.
Severe Gastritis Symptoms
Gastritis does not always cause signs and symptoms, but individuals with gastritis may experience:
- Feeling fullness in your upper abdomen after eating
- A gnawing or burning ache or pain (indigestion) in your upper abdomen; this may become either worse or better with eating
- Nausea
- Vomiting
You should seek medical attention if you have any of the following:
- Black stools
- Blood in your stools
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Severe pain
- Signs or symptoms that last for a week or longer
- Vomiting blood
- Vomiting where you cannot hold any food down
It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of severe gastritis and get it treated properly so it does not lead to stomach ulcers or stomach cancer.

Causes of Severe Gastritis
Some causes of severe gastritis are more common, and otters are less common.
Common causes of severe gastritis include bacterial infections, excessive use of NSAIDs, and stress.
Most cases of gastritis caused by a bacterial infection result from infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which break down the protective lining of the stomach and cause inflammation. Stress from a sudden, severe illness or injury (such as severe burns and brain injuries) can bring on gastritis.
Less common causes of gastritis include autoimmune disease and excessive alcohol consumption. If you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system may attack healthy cells in your stomach lining. Chronic alcohol use can erode and irritate the lining of your stomach.

Severe Gastritis Treatment
Medication options to treat severe gastritis include antibiotics, histamine (H2) blockers, and proton pump inhibitors. Antibiotics are used to treat gastritis that is caused by H. pylori infection. H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors reduce the amount of stomach acid produced during digestion, which gives the stomach lining a chance to heal.
Lifestyle changes that can help manage symptoms include dietary changes and stress reduction techniques.
Foods and drinks that you should eat when you have gastritis include:
- Non-carbonated drinks
- Caffeine-free drinks
- Probiotic foods
- Low-fat foods
- Low acidity foods
- High fiber foods
Foods and drinks that you should avoid if you have gastritis include:
- Pickled foods
- Spicy foods
- High-fat foods
- Fatty foods
- Fried foods
- Foods you are allergic to
- Acidic foods
- Carbonated drinks
- Coffee
- Alcohol
- Fruit juices
- Tea
It is imperative that you follow the prescribed treatment plan and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Complications of Severe Gastritis
There are several potential complications of severe gastritis, such as:
- Anemia
- Atrophic gastritis
- Growths in the stomach lining
- Peptic ulcers
If you experience any complications of severe gastritis, you should seek medical help promptly so your condition does not worsen.
Prevention of Severe Gastritis
Preventative measures for severe gastritis include:
- Avoiding triggers
- Limiting alcohol and NSAID use
- Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle
Because bacterial infection can cause gastritis, it is important that you practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands after you use the restroom. Bacterial infections can be spread by coming into contact with infected foods, waste products, and other means, so keeping yourself clean and washing all fruits and vegetables, and thoroughly cooking meat is important.

Gastritis is a group of conditions that cause inflammation of the stomach lining. Causes of gastritis include H. pylori bacterial infection, overuse of alcohol or NSAID medications, and stress. Common symptoms of severe gastritis include a feeling of fullness in your upper abdomen after eating, nausea, and vomiting. You should seek immediate medical care if you experience vomiting, where you cannot hold down anything or blood in your stools or vomit.
Treatment options for gastritis include dietary changes, stress management techniques, and medications such as antibiotics, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors. This condition can be prevented by adhering to a healthy diet and lifestyle, avoiding triggers, and limiting the use of alcohol and NSAIDs. Practicing good personal hygiene habits and food safety is also important, as it can prevent you from contracting a bacterial infection that could cause gastritis.
Gastritis is a leading cause of stomach cancer, so it is vital that you get your condition treated quickly before it can develop into something worse.
If You Have Lingering Gastritis Symptoms, Concierge Md Can Help.
Instead of treating only your symptoms, ConciergeMD will develop a custom treatment plan that targets the cause of chronic gastritis. Our Health Assessment evaluates and identifies underlying causes of gastritis, ways to reduce symptoms, and lifestyle changes that can help prevent flare-ups.
Our Membership is a convenient way to stay on top of chronic gastritis symptoms with monthly check-ins and telemedicine calls that make it easy to get the answers you need when you want them.
Want to learn more about how our customized health plans can help you manage chronic gastritis? We offer a free Discovery Call, where one of our healthcare professionals will discuss your symptoms and treatment goals and help you understand if custom, in-home treatment for chronic gastritis is right for you.