
In-Home Detox for Alcohol Addiction

Overcome Your Alcohol Addiction With In-Home Detox

Whether a person has recently developed an addiction or has had a long-standing issue, alcohol addiction recovery is possible. Our addiction recovery program starts with home alcohol detox. The detox process removes all alcohol from the body to wean the patient’s body from its dependency on alcohol. Detox helps the body begin the healing process and helps prepare the patient for therapy or counseling that is part of their complete addiction recovery plan.

Home Detox For Alcohol: What to Expect

In Home Addiction Medicine DoctorHere’s what patients can expect from alcohol detox with Concierge MD:

  1. During the initial evaluation, our home detox doctor will assess the patient’s medical history, alcohol abuse history, existing prescription medication, and other health factors.
  2. Patients will then undergo a full examination and lab tests to build a complete picture of their current health. This gives us a baseline from which we can work and gauge future progress.
  3. After the results of the exam and lab tests are in, we consult with patients to create a custom home detox plan designed to complement their current health, lifestyle, medications, and recovery goals.
  4. We begin the in-home detox process. Our in-home detox nurse stays with the patient, monitors the process, intervenes as necessary, and adjusts the home detox plan as needed. The nurse will also monitor sleep and nutritional intake, as these are often disrupted by withdrawal symptoms and/or cravings.
  5. We perform further monitoring and lab tests. The vitals we monitor include blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiration rate. These figures help us build a clear picture of the patient’s overall health and response to the drug detoxification process. As a result, we are able to quickly and accurately adjust the detox plan to reflect the patient’s actual health status.
  6. After the home detox from alcohol is complete, Concierge MD provides a comprehensive suite of at-home support services to fully address alcohol use triggers, coping mechanisms, and psychiatric care for lasting results.

Recovering from an alcohol addiction is as challenging as it is rewarding. Concierge MD provides personalized attention for our patients throughout the home detox from alcohol and alcohol addiction rehabilitation process. Together, we will help patients reach their addiction recovery goals with lasting, long-term results.

In-Home Alcohol Detox: The Concierge MD Difference

Traditional addiction rehab services take place at an inpatient or outpatient clinic. Although some people may benefit from group counseling and therapy, others may prefer a private environment. On top of that, traditional options can take a considerable amount of time with transit to and from a clinic, disrupting a person’s normal schedule.

Concierge MD provides comprehensive alcohol detox and addiction rehabilitation services for our patients. Every treatment plan is tailored to help our patients not only achieve their addiction recovery goals, but also maintain an addiction-free lifestyle. We are here every step of the way to help our patients get and stay clean.

Concierge MD brings outstanding addiction medicine to our patients’ homes, with these benefits:

Personalized, At-Home Attention

Our medical director consults with each of our patients to develop an addiction recovery plan tailored to the patient’s unique lifestyle and health needs. This plan is adaptive, changing throughout the program to reflect the best care for the patient’s needs. A patient’s addiction rehabilitation plan will always reflect their progress towards a full recovery.

Our nurse comes directly to the patient’s home in the greater Los Angeles area. One of our nurses will stay onsite 24/7 during the entire home alcohol detox process. The nurse will monitor the patient’s progress, adjust any medications that have been prescribed as part of detox, and make changes to the treatment plan as needed.

Convenience and Quality

Alcohol addiction detox is hard, so we make recovery as comfortable and convenient as possible. We come to our patients so that they do not have to go out of town to an inpatient rehabilitation center or regularly drive across town to an outpatient clinic.

We offer the same quality of service as traditional addiction rehabilitation services. Our nurses are experienced with coaching patients through the challenges of detox.

Following our in-home alcohol detox, Concierge MD provides a full suite of therapy, counseling, and addiction rehabilitation therapies. These therapies help patients develop positive habits and coping techniques to prevent relapse.

Experience That Shows

Alcohol addiction can not only cause personal and career problems, but it can also have potentially fatal consequences. That’s why medically managed home detox is essential for a full alcohol addiction recovery. Whether a person has recently developed an addiction or has had a long-standing issue, alcohol addiction recovery is easier than ever with our at-home addiction recovery program.

With many years of experience helping patients reach an addiction-free life, Concierge MD has helped hundreds of patients in Los Angeles kick their addiction with lasting results

Interested? Experience Care with Concierge MD

Concierge MD offers coverage throughout the greater Los Angeles area.

What is Alcoholism?

What is Excessive Alcohol InfographicAlcoholism, also known as an alcohol addiction, is a disease in which a person becomes physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol. This dependency can cause financial, personal, and career problems in a person’s life when a person can no longer function normally without alcohol.

A social drink here and there is normal for many people. But how much alcohol is too much? The CDC recommends the following daily limits:

  • One drink per day for women
  • Two drinks per day for men
  • Pregnant women and individuals with health conditions that can be exacerbated by drinking should avoid alcohol altogether

The withdrawals and cravings that come with alcohol detox can be challenging to overcome. However, a medically managed home detox from alcohol can help patients get past these symptoms, cleanse their bodies, and lay a strong foundation for a full alcohol addiction recovery.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Agitation
  • Body and/or hand tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Elevated pulse
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Seizures
  • Sweating

Medically managed home detox from alcohol helps ensure that the detoxification process is as safe and comfortable as possible for the patient and the patient’s family.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

cdc alcohol dependencyAlcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) refers to any drinking that causes problems in other aspects of an individual’s life. Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction both classify as AUD’s. It’s important to note that there is a difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction.

  • People who drink heavily or regularly but are not physically dependent on alcohol may be considered alcohol abusers.
  • People who are physically dependent on alcohol and cannot control their use may be considered as having alcoholism (an addiction to alcohol). A person with alcoholism may experience withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and an increased tolerance to the effects of alcohol.

Most people are not alcohol dependent, meaning they may abuse alcohol but do not have an addiction. However, it’s still important to make lifestyle changes, as regular alcohol use has many potential short and long-term side effects.

This questionnaire can help identify if an individual may have an AUD.

There are many potential short-term effects of regular alcohol use, including:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Sleep disruption
  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness
  • Temporary loss of consciousness
  • Memory loss

Heavy or long-term alcohol use can have serious side effects on the body, including:

  • Permanent liver damage (cirrhosis of the liver)
  • An increased risk of certain types of cancer
  • Brain damage
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in mood and behavior
  • Heart damage (eg. cardiomyopathy or arrythmias)
  • Pancreatitis

In addition to these, alcohol poisoning can occur if a person drinks too much alcohol at one time. This can happen to casual drinkers as well as people who are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol poisoning is a serious condition, so it’s important to call 911 if a person exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Slowed breathing
  • Cold, blue skin
  • Coma
  • Seizures

Experience Care with ConciergeMD

ConciergeMD offers coverage throughout the United States.