12 Jul What’s The Easiest Way To Test Wedding Guests For Covid?
The onset of the global pandemic postponed some of the most important dates that we had planned. Birthdays, anniversaries, and even weddings had to be canceled and rescheduled. While a few folks stuck to their projected dates, they changed plans to digital weddings and zoom calls or risk front-page news from an unexpected outbreak. As the number of citizens who have received their full dose of Covid-19 increases, many weddings are back into their planning phase. Only this time, couples are having to add a new task to their to-do’s: whether they should test wedding guests for Covid.
How to test wedding guests for Covid
Many brides and grooms have continued concern about executing their wedding and still protecting their guests, particularly parents, grandparents, and other aging family members. While many bridal parties have asked all of their guests to get vaccinated, new variants of Covid-19 cause some continued concern for planning the perfect day.
Fortunately, the early days of having limited availability of Covid tests are long behind us. So are the issues with waiting days or even weeks for results. Currently, there are two major types of Covid testing: antigen and PCR testing. Both methods can determine if an individual has an active infection of the virus.
Antigen testing
Antigen testing detects specific proteins that are uniquely associated with the Covid-19 virus. The antigen test requires a nasal swab to obtain a sample. Rather than being forced to send the sample to a laboratory for further testing and analysis, the sample can be evaluated on-site, and results are produced in just 15 minutes.
PCR testing (rapid and standard)
PCR testing is the most accurate testing method available on the market. Instead of analyzing the sample for the proteins associated with Covid-19, PCR testing replicates the RNA in the sample and then looks for the specific DNA of Covid. RT-PCR tests are required to be sent to the lab for results and take several days to get back. A rapid PCR test, on the other hand, can return accurate results in 30 minutes – 1 hour.
How testing at your wedding venue works
We understand that bridal parties have more than enough to worry about for their day. That is why we take the stress out of the testing process. Our trained and licensed medical staff will travel to your venue or pre arranged destination to test your guests for Covid and analyze the results.
That means that we can help to greet guests as they arrive and privately conduct their tests. After your guests receive a negative Covid test, they are free to take their masks off and dance the night away. That means that you can focus on the bigger things, like making sure the groom hasn’t tried to slip his playlist to the band.
Advanced testing
While our medical staff is always discrete and professional, we also understand that you may not have wanted medical testing at your wedding site. The potential of having to turn away your grandparents at the door may be too risky. In these instances, we also offer advanced testing at the UDX Lab in Los Angeles.
For this approach, have your wedding guests schedule their tests in advance of your wedding. They will receive the results by 11 PM that day. That means that any guests that test positive still have enough time to record a fantastic congratulations video for the reception.
Selecting the best testing option
It can be challenging to decide which approach will work best for your wedding. We’ve broken down some of the top considerations for each approach to help you apply this information to your event.
Onsite testing
- Rapid results
- Limited potential for exposure after testing
- No hassle to track down sensitive information from guests
- No major scheduling issues or changes for guests
- No preplanning for guests
- Packaged pricing for larger parties
- Guests may find out last minute that they cannot attend if they test positive
- The need to allocate space for testing
Advanced testing
- Guests know before they get ready for a wedding that they cannot attend
- No need for additional space for medical testing
- Ability to use PCR testing for the best accuracy
- Potential of guests to become infected after their initial test
- Scheduling conflicts are more likely on individual appointments
- The need to verify that guests have received a negative Covid test
A helping hand for wedding planners
As a wedding planner, you understand the need to shoulder the load of work for your clients. However, Covid has added a new layer that few planners have navigated before.
At Concierge MD, we’re no stranger to providing the best medical care for our clients. Healthcare is our priority, but we know how to team up with you to help ensure that your weddings go off just as you’d planned. We know wedding planners are fans of checklists, so feel free to borrow our checklist of Covid testing in advance of your events.
Prepare your clients for a wedding during Covid
- Have discussions about their guests and risk levels.
- Discuss your client’s expectations and fears about Covid.
- Consider asking guests to vaccinate in advance of the wedding.
- Discuss the potential for social distancing or other precautions (masks, hand washing stations, limited food or drinks).
- If guests or bridal party members have compromised immune systems or preexisting conditions, work with them to find a solution. This may include not attending the event.
- Consider virtual screens or live streams of the service so everybody can witness and participate.
The day of the wedding
- If testing is required, make sure that members of the bridal party and event staff are tested before contacting anybody in the venue.
- Ensure that staff are using proper precautions. This includes hair and makeup professionals.
- Work with medical staff to ensure that the testing site is appropriately located to screen guests before entering the venue.
- Ensure proper food and drink handling is maintained.
- Place appropriate signage directing guests to testing and handwashing stations.
- Ensure seating can accommodate social distancing.
After the event
- Ensure that any guest or staff member of the wedding can contact you if they contract Covid-19 following the wedding. This approach can also help facilitate contact tracing to inform other guests that they may have been exposed.
- Where Can You Get A PCR Test For Travelling Abroad?
- How To Safely Organize A Party During Covid
- What’s The Easiest Way To Test Wedding Guests For Covid?
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- How To Safely Organize A Party During Covid
- Where Can You Get A PCR Test For Travelling Abroad?
Celebrate Your Big Day With Peace Of Mind – And Onsite Testing
Regardless of the approach that you take to celebrating your special day, Concierge MD wants to help you have the perfect day. That is why we offer Covid testing for bridal parties and their guests to ensure that your guests help you celebrate the biggest day of your life.
Call our offices today, and we can work with you to provide onsite Covid-19 testing. We’re excited to help you have your dream wedding, even in these trying times.